
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!
  • Life is Not about passing one Exam. It's about passing the REAL EXAM!

About The True Topper

Hello! We are The True Topper. And people call us as TTT...

TTT is a movement which aims to harness the true potential of every human being with particular focus on students.

TTT is a movement that aims to provide the students with the required skill set which will not only ensure their academic and materialistic excellence; but will ensure their all-round development in such a way that they can actually enjoy their materialistic success.

TTT achieves this through different sessions, workshops, and activities which are delivered to you through our unique concept of TTT CUP.


Welcome to the world of TTT !
Or if we may say, the world as seen by TTT.
It's a world that is full of success, happiness and love
of your loved ones; without any tension, stress
and physical or mental ailments.


The current system focuses on just
one aspect: the Academic Success so that we can
have good money. And it ignores other important
aspects like Physical Health, Mental Health,
Family Health and Relationships,


The Mission of the TTT is to conquer this
challenge by making you and every student "top
the Real Exam" And the Real Exam is "Exam of Life"!
This will ensure not only Academic and
Materialistic success for everyone.

know more

Why Join TTT ?

  • For Students

    We would like to ask few
    questions to all the hard-
    working students who are
    the future of this great
    Nation ....

  • For Corporates

    Yes. TTT cares for the Edu-
    cational institutions, their
    management and teachers
    as well. We understand
    that majority of you....

  • For Schools

    The strength of any
    corporate or a company or
    an organisation lies in the
    quality of its human
    resource, which in turn lies ....

  • For Parents

    Do you suffer from any of
    the following Questions?...
    WHAT IF my child inspite
    of being successful, ends
    up into mental illness......

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